Russ is a pilot with more than 10 years’ flying experience in Haiti. Russ is also a retired Tactical Police Officer and an ex-Special Forces Serviceman with the Canadian military. His roots in rural Ontario working on farms, coupled with his professional experience, have made him a jack-of-all-trades who oversees many of our endeavours in Haiti. Russ provides free mission aviation flights across Haiti as well as other parts of the Caribbean. Russ also pulls double duty as the Director General at Hospital Evangelique de Bombardopolis, on behalf of International Missionary Fellowship.
Doug is married and has been serving the Lord with his wife Caroline of 41 years.
He’s the proud father of two boys and grandfather to five beautiful grandkids.
Doug recently retired from a career as an insurance adjuster, and is now seeking to fill every moment in service to God and others.
Having served on multiple mission trips and local church ministries over the years, he is passionate about the mission of the Church and what God is doing in the larger community.
Doug lives in Nanticoke Ontario and faithfully serving in Kingsway Community Church in Balmoral Ontario.
Pat is a married, former Credit Manager, with two grown children and three grown grandchildren. Now retired, Pat’s spending more time at her passions: missions and serving God. She has served on three mission boards and has made several mission trips in both Haiti and Uganda. Pat has excellent organizational skills that help her keep up with the Aviation Ministry with HFAM. Pat thoroughly enjoys working alongside God's people, and sharing God's love.
Karen lives in Jarvis, Ontario with her husband and three children. Together, they operate a dog boarding facility on their farm. Karen is also a freelance bookkeeper for several small businesses. Her passion is helping to meet the needs of those who are in ministry. When an opportunity arose to assist the HFAM organization in the role of treasurer, she felt God’s tug on her heart to join in! Karen is always quick with a laugh and a smile. And we so appreciate that positive spirit too!
Guerson is married, and a proud father to a 2-year-old boy. He is a Haitian Christian, currently residing in the U.S. Guerson is also a former Administrator, then Executive Director, at Hospital Evangelical Bombardopolis / International Missionary Fellowship.
Guerson graduated University with a Degree in Telecommunication and Networking (computer Sciences). Guerson loves Jesus Christ and believes in his salvation and his love for the human race, particularly his chosen people.
Married 31 years to Leila, the Ovaskas have 4 grown children that Leila homeschooled (even before it was cool!) Owners of Nordic Energy Systems, Sudbury’s premier hearth and sauna retailer, they are second generation in the business and currently mentoring a third generation. Prior to that Jukka was a Structures Technician, working on fixed and rotor wing aircraft in Canada and the USA. He has served with JAARS on a special project in Papua New Guinea. Jukka is a private pilot working toward instrument rating in addition to Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. HFAM aircraft maintenance and flight related activities are his prime focus.
Kim lives in Cayuga, ON with her husband George. Together they raised three wonderful children and are now empty nesters! This has allowed them to travel frequently to the east coast of Canada to visit family there, including their two amazing grandchildren. Extra time has also provided mission opportunities, and when HFAM was in need of a Secretary, Kim says she was glad to join the team.
Karen was a founder and one of our two full-time missionaries working in Haiti, along with her husband Russ. Her administration and organizational skills, and many years of experience in a legal office and serving in children’s ministry, allowed her to keep HFAM running smoothly, providing administrative oversight to our programs, and working effectively in an administrative position at Hospital Evangelique de Bombardopolis in Haiti.
On February 3, 2022 we lost our beloved wife, mother, friend, and the President of Hope From Above Ministries after a year-long battle with cancer. Karen poured her heart, soul, time and talents into this little organization. While we grieve the loss of such a wonderful soul, we are honored and grateful that her legacy will live on and continue to serve the people of Haiti in this way... even though Karen will now be doing it "From Above".